The town appeared in the 6th c. AD when the Byzantine lortress of Aluston was erected.
Since the late 14th c. the town was underthe rule or the Genoese.
In 1475 Alushta was captured bythe Turkish troops and only in 1902 the revival of the town began.
At present, Alushta is not only a climatic resort but one of the centres of tourism and viticulture on the Southern Coast of the Crimea.

1 Stakheev's villa, early 19th c.
2 Philharmonic Society
3 Church of SI. Theodore Stratilates, 1842
4 Museum of Hlstory and Local Lore
5 Monument to Maxim Gorky
6 Remains of the Aluston Fortress, 6th-15th c.
7 Monument to Alexander Pushkin
8 Building of the Ely-Bakhcha Hospital, 1914
9 Monument to S.N.Sergeev-Tsensky