Cyrillic to Roman equivalent.

Cyrillic transliteration.

A little knowledge of the Cyrillic alphabet allows us to understand many words that are similar to ours.
Use this table together with the other tables of complete sentences found in the "Small Travel Dictionary" the first E-Book from Ukraine Travel.

Upper case Lower case Roman equivalent Pronunciation Vocal explanation
А а a a as in apple
Б б b b as in boy
В в v v as in very
Г г g g as in god
Д д d d as in day
Е е je y as in yell
Ё ё jo y as in yo
Ж ж zh zh as in pleasure
З з z z as in zero
И и i e as in Easter
Й й ye y as in yoga
К к k k as in kiss
Л л l l as in look
М м m m as in mild
Н н n n as in nice
О о o o as in October
П п p p as in play
Р р r r as in Russian
С с s s as in small
Т т t t as in Turkish
У у u u as in ultra or ou
Ф ф f f as in French
Х х ch kh as in the Scottish loch
Ц ц z c
Ч ч tch ch as in child
Ш ш sch sh as in shy
Щ щ stch shch as in rush show
rule ъ tvjordi znak rarely used, indicates a slight pause between syllables
never first letter ы y i as in sir
rule ь mjagki znak makes the previous letter soft, or as if there is a after the consonant.
Э э e e as in explain
Ю ju u as in university not as in up
Я ju ja as in yahoo

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