Internet resources.

Internet resources

Mobile Telephones.
There are two operators of the mobile telephone, KievStar and UMC.
The national coverage is good and in certain areas is divided between the two companies. To buy a telephone number from the two companies, costs vary except for promotions, from 20 to 30 grivne with 5 grivne of free credit. The amounts of the UMC telephone re-charging cards are 30, 60 and 120 grivne; with KievStar telephone re-charging cards are 25, 50 and 100 grivne. There are no charges for re-charging.
When purchasing a telephone number, it does not involve registration with the telephone operator and a good telephone shop can sell telephone numbers without bureaucracy.

Internet Point
They are numerous in big cities with quite a good market, for example Kiev airport, International departure area.
The bar maintains a good connection for a price of about 20 grivne for every 30 minutes. They are rare in small towns.

Internet with Modem on a standard telephone line.
Varies from city to city, there are numerous service suppliers but the average prices are around 100 grivne a month for limited traffic and without too much claim for navigation speed. We can say that in the Ukraine, internet connections are, in its actual state, is like how Italy was in 1996/1999.

Internet with ADSL line, in the Ukraine functions in some areas and is operated by UKRTELEKOM which is the official telephone company.
Prices are quite high, there are all included options but the Mb. used are quantified and after a certain quantitative a price is added for more Mb used.

Official site: